
Showing posts from June, 2021

June 2021 and 6 Month Summary

The big month of June came and went. Its the halfway point, so i addition to the June review, we will check in on YTD production. June modeled out at 697 kWh and I said we would beat it last month. And look at that, we did it! June was 777 kWh or 111%. Lots of sun. When the clouds rolled in, it was off and on. I noticed the peak output was down. But the days are long. Due to Sun's movement and the panel orientation, we lose some peak power for the southern string  compared to the spring. Now for the annual check in.... Tesla estimated ~6,622 kwh of annual production. Our PVV model 6,875 kWh. 6 month estimate is half then Tesla=3,311 and BoronCarbon=3,437 kWh How did the system perform? 6 month production=3,398 kWh 103% of Tesla model so far 99% of the BoronCarbon model so far Thats close enough for me. Lets pat Tesla and BoronCarbon (and PVWatts) on the back! Excellent prediction. Discount Link for Tesla Solar #solar #tes...

May 2021 Summary

Into the big stretch. Top three months coming up. May, June, and  July are the big three.  May expected at 679 kWh.  How did we do.....? 640 kWh ! 94% of the model. We had some stellar days. Several over 31 kWh and one over 32 kWh.  We barely underperformed from our predictions. Since we have been down a few months....June will be big. Law of averages.

April 2021 Summary

Late writing this, but better late then never. We gotta complete the full year. April was estimated to produce 634 kWh. It started well but the middle of the month was a bugger. Pulled in 586  kWh or about 92% of expected. We still put some in the bank though.