Solar journey....Energysage vs Tesla

Energysage quotes vs Tesla

The prices quoted from Energysage were all very close. Competitive amongst themselves.
The average quote was $3.12/W.
For a 4 kw system in 2020 (26% tax credit):
$3.12 x 4kw=$12,480-$3,245(26% credit)=$9,235 or $2.31/W
$1.49 x 4kw=$5,960

#Solar #Tesla #energysage

A difference of $3,275. Would you pay 55% more than you need to? 5-10% maybe.... Breakeven in 16 years or 10 years?
10 for me.

Considering Tesla?
 Use this referral link to get started and get a $100 award from Tesla after activation.

#solar #energysage #tesla


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